Hello to you! Thanks for dropping by this blog. There can be two reasons you are reading this blog, either you are about to build a website for your newly established business venture or you already own a website and have started facing some issues with it. Either way, you are interested in knowing about the causes of an underperforming website. Which if you are the former one then you intend to avoid them and if you are the latter one then you want to fix them. .
The blog will inform you about the potential root causes behind a website’s substandard performance. Some of these might sound very much basic to you but they can impact your website performance drastically.
- Bollix up Social Media
As you have a website for your business, it is a pre-established assumption of ours that your business must be active on Social Media Platforms too. If it is not, then the case can be more severe. If you have a blank company page on it, then it will leave an impression just like your page i.e., Blank to your prospective customers.
Social Media can be your biggest weapon to hunt down the people who’d be potentially interested in your products and services. If you are entering the world of social media then you need to embrace it. For that you should know what output you are expecting out of it. Then, make a plan.
This means that you should make regular posts on these platforms in order to keep your target audience updated about the recent establishments and new products/services of the company. Now these posts should not just be regular but also relevant, because then only it will be able to engage your customers.
- Website Navigation
When a prospect(person who can be a client in future) visits a website they have certain expectations which compelled them to make the effort of visiting it in the first place. Many surveys have proved that the average time a user spends on a website is 15 seconds. In this time frame the website should be able to generate interest.
One of the major reasons why they leave the website is they couldn’t find the information. Now there’s a three(3) click rule, which states that the website should lead them to their required solution in just three mouse clicks. This is where UI/UX enters the room. The design should be simple yet engaging and understandable to the user. For it is important that the user gets what he was looking for, which will create an impression of reliability and company.
- Inoperative on Smartphone
According to a survey in May 2021, there are approx. 3.8 billion smartphone users in the world. Which is around 48% of the total population of the world. About 55% of all web traffic is coming through smartphones.
A user visits a website so that they can save time given it is super quick. As soon as we are confused about something, we unlock our mobile and look it up right away. It is a good sign if your website loads a little quickly over there, because nobody likes to wait. Not just on mobile phones, but also on desktop. The design should also be cooperative on the phone e.g. buttons should be visible, the sensitivity range should be enough so the touch works properly. Nowadays the idea of responsive design for mobile view is very much common and seems to have been understood by everyone, but when the websites are viewed on phone they do not comply.
If you are confused about how to track these and give them a push, we are here to assist you with that too. You can fill us the contact form along with the query/concern and drop your social media page and website link to us. Our experts will analyse and we will get back to you with the aspects that need more attention and proposal of their solutions too.