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Hello again, if this is the second blog you are reading on our website! If not, do check out. As there is a lot of info on topics that you might be curious about! This one’s title says it all, it’s been more than a year since the IT industry started working remotely which is also called work from home for some of us. Of course everybody’s giving and doing their best, while being derived from the office culture and the discussions about various projects in one meeting room. While some out there are looking for ways on managing their projects more conveniently where the team of developers can stay connected and make the execution more effective.

Because when developers are working remotely, it can get tricky for them to be on the same page if one of them is responsible for key components of the project. It does not have to be very stressful, a project can be managed properly with a bit of planning and coordination by the team. Let’s put the light on major challenges faced by the teams and tactics to overcome them in the simplest way.

  • Communication Gap

When a development team is working remotely, establishing fluent contact can be back-breaking. Due to this, it becomes important to establish a consensus where the whole team can communicate with each other.

There are many platforms that can allow the developers to communicate with each other and solve their common queries about different aspects of the project. Regardless of which platform you choose, make sure your team feels connected and the developers working from home do not feel secluded. As they say, Communication is a bridge between confusion and clarity.

  • Utilising Trackers

A crucial part of remote working is knowing how your team is accomplishing tasks and what is their frequency. It becomes necessary for the team and management to know about their efficiency. You must have heard about the productivity trackers that help in tracking employees work and day to day tasks. They also avail project wise management, where you can create sprints. The KPI metrics utilised by the management for evaluating the efficiency of workers from the office should be used to measure their work from home. By defining the KPIs you clarify the standards that are needed to be met regardless of how and where the team is working from. Some enterprises/companies get their productivity trackers customised and then developed by experts.

  • Scheduling

Scheduling means planning an activity and affirming that all the required personnels will be available at the given time and day. If you intend for the team to work effectively, then it is important for the whole team to know about each member’s availability and working hours. When the whole team is working remotely their working hours might be different depending on the time-zone. Hence, it becomes a challenge to schedule a meeting. Various scheduling tools for remote team management are very useful. These tools can be used to facilitate the planning of meetings, video conferencing with remote teams.

  • Team Meetings

Team meetings are needed to be scheduled, and we know you also agree with this. This can be scheduled on a timely basis when all the team developers connect with each other and discuss their accomplishments and also report to their manager. They can share the problems faced by them and brainstorm the solutions for the same. These meetings should not only necessarily be there for discussing the work but also to have a little chat about each other, it makes the developers feel like they’re connected with each other in real time.

If you are planning to hire a dedicated team for your app or software or any tools’ development then you must have got a guideline on what are the aspects you need to take care of. If you have any concerns then we, The Quantum Tech. team can also help you with the dedicated developers or you can also outsource the project to us. And then all you have to do is sit and review the progress of the project, as we will take care of the timely delivery.

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