The world of business is continuously increasing complex. Customer’s preference changes fast and the companies have to keep up with the demands to have long-term relationship with their consumer.
Artificial Intelligence is the instrument that helps business transform every aspect of their operation. AI impact everything i.e., how we communicate to how we get things done. When we talk about Digital Marketing, AI is also being used to improve accuracy of the web analysis.
Before continuing that how AI can helps to improve traffic on website, we need to know what AI is and how web analytics work.
What is Artificial Intelligence?
- In Simple word Artificial Intelligence or AI refers to the human’s Intelligence simulation in machine that are programed to act as a human but with more precision. The ideal characteristic of AI is its potentiality to rationalize and take actions which have best chance of achieving a specific goal.
How Web Analytics Work?
- Most of the web analysis tools track activities on website by inserting a snippet of code on every pages. By using this code, the code can count clicks on link, website visitors and various types of user behavior.
How AI can Improve Your Web Analytics.
1. Predict Outcomes
- Its one of the strengths of AI. Ability to make prediction based on the large data and its analysis.AI can make detailed persona of the consumer based on demographics, interests and psychographic and then predict what that user want.
2. Unify Your Data
- It would be great if you are able to analyze all the data you produce and collect in one place. Wouldn’t it? AI can make this possible with ease. AI can convert your disparate data into unified format. This unified data will be more useful in detailed analysis for decision making about the business.
3. Personalized Recommendations
Website’s engagement can improve significantly with customized content and personalized product recommendations. Integrating AI is the key component to accessing large stores of customers data for creating personalized experiences.
4. Data Compliance
- Organizations collect lot of data just from their website traffic. Some of the data might be personal like purchase order histories, contact and even social security numbers and until recently companies was not able to treat that data with the level of governance it required. Using AI in your website’s tracking system helps to protect these sensitive data.
5. AI and Images
- According to research 80% of what user see and just 20% of them read so images are vital way to connect your brand with users. Images are the powerful tools to illustrate stores, increase engagement and showcase products and service.
6. SEO Analytics
- Google process billons or even trillion of searches annually. If any website is not optimized properly for search queries and the website will have difficult time show up in the search results. AI can identify those issues that are impacting you search engine rankings.
7. Customer Churn Prediction
Acquiring new consumers is five time more expensive than retaining existing customer. This number suggests that consumer churn is costly for any business. Luckily, Ai is able to analyze user interaction to know why users are leaving and changes can be made according to this analysis.